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To be or not to be a B2B expert: selling tools and tactics for B2B sales

Master the Art of B2B Sales and Achieve Long-Term Success!

This book is a comprehensive guide to B2B sales, combining practical tools, strategic thinking, and customer focus. It provides actionable insights and models to help you improve your sales process, strengthen customer relationships, and grow your company's revenue.

In this book, you'll learn:

  • How to support customers through every stage of the buying process.
  • How to leverage the Revenue Generation Framework™ to create a winning sales strategy.
  • How to build long-lasting, trust-based customer relationships.
  • How to adapt to a changing business environment and embrace new technologies.

This book is perfect for entrepreneurs, sales professionals, and sales leaders who want to develop their skills and achieve sustainable growth.

ISBN 978-952-88-0044-6 

9,90(+14% VAT)

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